A watching brief on land which sits within the area of the former Romano-British town and port of Abonae, dating from 1st–4th centuries AD, revealed Samian ware bowls and cups from Gaul, along with mortaria and amphorae.
An excavation on the site of the Globe Inn, a coaching inn built beside the main road to London after the Civil War, failed to find remains of the premises, but did manage to unearth evidence for gardening or farming in the area during the Middle Ages.
An archaeological excavation on land in the parish of Uphill, North Somerset revealed evidence of Romano-British occupation via a ‘metalled’ stone surface, along with two walls of a substantial medieval building which were most likely a barn.
Retrieved from the excavations at the former FPS factory in Old Market, Bristol, the object is a lightly corroded cap from a wooden or leather gunpowder case, which would have contained a measured charge of gunpowder for one shot from a musket or pistol.
Excavations and watching brief at Montague Street uncovered a series of cellars belonging to houses that stood there in the 18th century and which were replaced by a factory in the early 20th century, and more recently after its demolition, a car park.
Redevelopment of Bristol Bus Station has provided the opportunity for archaeologists to investigate the site of St James’ Priory, the first of several to be built on the banks of the Frome and dating to the early twelfth century.
An archaeological evaluation carried out in the courtyard to the rear of The Old Council House, Corn Street, Bristol revealed stone walls, brick floors and mortar surfaces suggesting an unbroken sequence of occupation from the 12th to the 20th centuries.
An evaluation at Llynfi Road, Maesteg, South Wales revealed the in-situ remains of two of the blast furnaces associated with the 19th century iron works and the remains of the casting house walls and floor overlain by the residues from forge processes.
Evaluation trenches excavated at the rear of properties on West Street, Old Market revealed rubbish pits containing large quantities of pottery, animal bone and clay pipe from an area likely to have been redeveloped after destruction from the Civil War.
An excavation in West Street, Old Market has revealed cultivation on the site from at least the 13th century and unearthed a keyhole-shaped structure constructed in stages and to a deliberate design, that may have been a decorative garden feature.